Welcome to Flo Yoga - Asia's Premier Yoga Academy!
Welcome to Flo Yoga - Asia's Premier Yoga Academy!
Signed in as:
By signing up for our trainings and events, you agree that you intend to and shall participate in a class, retreat, teacher training, and/or other yoga-related program (hereinafter referred as “Program”) offered by Flo & Company Limited (DBA Flo Yoga Academy /Flo Yoga - hereinafter referred as “FLO”). You acknowledge that you have read, understood and accept all the terms as set forth herewith and overleaf, and the information provided in this Application are, to the best of your knowledge true and complete. In addition, you consent and agree to the following:
報名參加Flo & Company Limited (以後簡稱”FLO”)所辦之課堂/工作坊/退修營/教師訓練/課程(以後簡稱”活動”),閣下確認已閱讀明白及同意遵守此頁及背頁之內容及條款,並確認所填寫的資料無誤。 除此以外,閣下亦同意以下條款:
A. Certification / Refunds & Changes證書/退款/或改報課程:
1. FLO reserves the right to cancel or change the dates/times/venue of the Program without prior notice.
2. All fees paid are not transferrable. All refunds are subject to a 10% Administrative fee which will be deducted from the refund. No refunds will be given 60 days or less to the Program start date.
學費及學額不得轉讓他人或與他人共同使用 。所有退款會先扣除10%行政費,活動開始前60天起一概不得退款。
3. Deferred attendance for the same Program, if available, can be arranged with written notices received 60 days before original Program start date for a $500 Administrative fee, wheareas notices received 30 days before original Program start date are subject to a 25% Administrative Fee of the original Program, no deferment will be allowed less than 30 days before original Program start date. Only one deferment is allowed and program must be completed within 12 months of original Program start date.
在原定活動開始前60天以書面通知延期參加同一個活動或課程,收取行政費$500; 活動開始前30天延期,收取原定活動之25% 行政費。除此之後,活動不可延期或取消。 活動只可延期一次並在原定活動開始日12個月內完成。
4. Changing to another program of the same or greater value 60 days before the original Program start date will incur an Administrative fee of HK$500, whereas changing 30 days before the original Program start date will incur a 25% Administrative Fee of the original Program. Additional tuition and all fees must be paid in full before program change will be approved. Only one change of program is allowed and program must be completed within 12 months of original Program start date. No refund or credit will be given if changing to another program of lesser value.
活動開始前60天改報另一個同等或更高價值的課程或活動,將收取行政費 $500, 活動開始前30天改報另一個課程或活動,收取原定活動25%之 行政費。改報必須要付清有關額外學費或費用後才會被接納。活動只可改報一次並在原定活動開始日12個月內完成。改報之活動如有差價將不獲退還或保留。
5. Full participation (100%) of all classes and passing of any written and/or practicum exam is mandatory for certification. Partially missed classes and failed exams can be made-up for an additional fee, and must be pre-arranged with the teacher prior to graduation and certification. All make-up classes/ make-up exams must be completed within 6 months from the original Program graduation date, after which all Program fees paid will be forfeited. Please contact our Customer Services Officers for our Make-up fees Schedule.
本人知悉必須 100% 出席所有課堂與考試(筆試/口試/實習試)合格方可獲發證書。假如未能出席課堂或考試不合格,將需另外付費補回未能出席的課堂與考試, 而必須完成補堂和補試才能獲發證書。 所有補堂和補試必須在原定畢業日期起六個月內完成,否則一切已繳費用將失效並不獲退還。如欲了解補堂和補試費用詳情,請與客戶服務聯絡。
6. Attendees who have registered for the Full 300-hrs Advanced Program must complete the full 300-hrs Program within 24 months from the start of the first course taken.
B. Photo Release 相片發放:
1. I understand and accept that no photos, videos or voice recordings of the Programs are to be taken.
2. I also understand that photos and video may be taken by FLO and its agents, and may be used for the production of related promotional materials for FLO and the hosting company / studio of this Program.
3. I grant my permission to FLO and the hosting company / studio to use any photos or videos of me taken during the training for marketing or publicity purposes in print and web without receiving payment for those images.
C. Disclaimer / Waiver of Liability 免責條款:
1. I am aware that yoga and exercise in general, as well as this Program, requires certain levels of fitness and physical health and there may be risk of injuries and harm. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and general health, and understand that it is my responsibility to consult a qualified physician regarding my ability to participate in the activities involved in this Program, especially if I am pregnant, under medication and/or suffering from or having suffered from any medical disability.
2. I voluntary accept the risk of injury involved in the participation of the Program and agree that neither Flo & Company Ltd., it’s employees or agents shall be responsible for any claims, demands, damages, losses, loss of profit or business, actions or legal proceedings due to death, injury, loss, damage to my person or property or to the person or property of other participants in the activities at FLO and/or uses of facilities of the Program venue, as well as transportation to and from the Program.
3. I understand that usage of drugs or alcohol during the Program, smoking and gambling within Program venue are all prohibited and that FLO will refuse my participation in the Program in such cases and all fees paid will be forfeited.
本人已知悉在活動中使用毒品或酒精, 在活動場地內吸煙及賭博均被禁止, 而FLO亦會拒絕本人繼續參與該活動, 而所有繳付的費用將會被沒收。
4. I am aware that I will be responsible for my personal belongings and FLO will not be liable for any loss or damages to my personal belongings.
5. I understand that I will follow the instructions received from FLO staffs and that FLO may terminate this Agreement without notice and with immediate effect if my conduct, is such that in the reasonable opinion of FLO, may be injurious to the character or interests of FLO or to other participants or if I am in breach of the law. In the event of termination, I shall lose all rights and privileges under this Agreement with immediate effect without claim for any refund of any fees paid. I shall immediately return/surrender any lockers or tools borrowed and settle any outstanding debts owing to FLO.
本人會絕對遵從FLO工作人員的指導,若本人行為可能會損害FLO或其他參與者的人生或利益, 或違反法律,FLO可拒絕本人繼續參與活動,並沒收已繳費用。本人須立即交還所有借用的儲物柜及物品並離開活動場地。
D. Others
1. FLO reserves the right to make any changes to all terms and conditions of this Agreement without prior notice. All decisions of Flo & Company Limited is final and binding.
FLO保留對本協議的所有條款進行任何更改在不另行通知的情況下的權利。 FLO擁有對本協議內所有條款之最終詮釋權利 。
4. Failure of FLO to enforce any of its rights at any time for any period shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights.
FLO未能執行某一項條款絕不構成對該項或任何條款放棄權利 。
5. In the event of any real or apparent conflict arising between the English and any Chinese version of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong.
詮釋本協議時,如中文本與英文本存有分歧,須以英文本為準。 本合約的訂立、效力、解釋、履行及爭議的解決均受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法律管轄,按照香港法律解釋,並依從香港法庭的非專屬性司法管轄。
~ Flo Yoga Academy
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