Welcome to Flo Yoga - Asia's Premier Yoga Academy!
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<All Levels> classes are suitable for beginners, masters and everyone in between. These classes offer modifications so that you can customize your class to fit your specific needs and level of expertise. <所有練習者>的課堂適合由初學者至 資深練習姐、瑜伽導師等的所有人。 上課時老師會因應個別學員的能力和身體狀況給予不同變化,讓每位學員都能夠得到切合他們的照料和練習。
With a set of slow-paced physical postures accompanied by breathing exercises, Hatha Yoga helps to improve body strength, fexibility and stamina. In addition, this is a great practice that enhances mind-body-breath awareness and mindful movements.
Gentle Flow Yoga classes are geared specifically for those new to yoga or those who are interested in a gentle practice. This class incorporates simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility.
Yoga Basics is a beginners' practice focusing on the basic concepts and postures in traditional Hatha Yoga. Students will learn about connecting the body and mind with the purpose of increasing awareness and stability. Some pranayama, chanting and meditation may be included.
課堂重點練習瑜伽傳統中的基本概念和姿勢。 學生將學習如何連接身體和心靈,以提高意識和穩定性。 課堂亦練習調息法、梵頌和靜心內觀。
Through a series of connecting flow yoga sequences, this class practices core strength and toning of body muscles. It helps students to identify imbalances and create symmetry by balancing the strength and flexibility in their bodies.
A dynamic practice in a room heated to a comfortable 32 degrees Celsius with our special Graphene Infra-red heaters, this lovely Warm 32 class focuses on stimulating the digestive system with the purpose of aiding the detoxification of the body. Students will experience sequences of poses including twists, bends and stretches that massage the digestive organs.
利用Flo Yoga專有的石墨烯遠紅外線設備,加熱至32度的課室裡進行動態練習,促使身體排汗,以幫助身體排毒。 學生將體驗一系列扭轉、彎曲和伸展動作,按摩內臟以刺激消化系統。
A fun and cheerful practice in a room heated to a comfortable 32 degrees Celsius with our special Graphene Infra-red heaters, Happy Stretch is a stretching and mobility-based session that aim to improve functional capacity, better self recovery, while preventing sports injury. Moreover, it's simply joyful and fun for all!
利用Flo Yoga專有的石墨烯遠紅外線設備,加熱至32度的課室裡以輕快的氣氛作伸展練習,除了旨在提升身體的功能性和促進身體組織的修復,更重要的是放鬆心情,保持快樂的心境。
<Intermediate and advanced> classes are designed for more experienced yogis with a solid understanding of basic yoga postures with a consistent practice. These practices are geared towards mastering better and deeper mind-body connection with more advanced poses. <中級和高級> 課堂專為已有恆常瑜伽練習者而設計。 通過練習更深層次和難度的習讓,學員探索更深入的身心聯繫。
Vinyasa Yoga is a more dynamic and powerful practice with emphasis on linking breath with movement. Practitioners will flow continuously through strong sequences of postures to build strength, flexibility and endurance. The well-planned sequence will also leave you feeling refreshed and energetic.
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, as taught by K.Pattabhi Jois, is a series of fixed sequences that synchronizes breath and movement. It's a highly-structured style of yoga that produces an internal heat to purify the body, enhances cardio-circulation, while improving strength and stamina. Ashtanga yoga is great for building core strength, toning the body and cultivating a calm mind.
阿斯湯加瑜伽是由帕塔比·喬伊斯上師流傳下來的固定序列。這是一套為身體創造內在熱量來凈化身體,增強心肺功能並同時提高力量和耐力的練習。 阿斯湯加瑜伽通過呼吸、動作與凝視點的配合,有助建立核心力量、促進肌肉器官排毒,修塑身型和平靜身心。
Power flow is fast-paced style of yoga that’s focused on building strength and endurance. Advanced yoga postures are practiced during the class, helping practitioners to breakthrough their limits and unlock their mind-body potentials.
力量瑜伽為較快節奏的瑜伽風格,練習會專注於增強力量和耐力。 課程中會練習難度較高瑜伽姿勢,以幫助練習者突破極限並釋放身心潛能。
Created by Flo Yoga's Senior Teacher Keiki To, Wall Fusion Flow is a dynamic sequence of core strengthening practices using the wall as a support. This class slowly progresses from building core and upper body strength to finally moving into strong and steady inversions.
Note: this is not a Wall Rope Yoga class as we do not use ropes.
壁上流瑜伽是杜老師創建的一系列動態強化練習。 課堂借助牆壁作為支撐,逐步建立身體力量,並進入各種倒立練習。
Universal Yoga is a scientific and multi-faceted system of yoga that allows a well-balanced practice. It follows three main aspects: freedom, consciousness and creativity. The system is based on the concept of mayakoshas (shells) or layers of the human being. The purpose is to create state of balance, control, stability and unification of mind-body complex of the practitioners.
寰宇瑜伽是根據科學的及多面向的瑜伽系統,以進行均衡的練習。寰宇瑜伽課程包含三個大元素:自由、意識和創造力。寰宇瑜伽系統基於 mayakoshas(層竅),即包括物質、能量、精神情緒、心理、智力、喜樂、意識(chitta)和業力層,其目的為創造練習者的身心平衡、控制、穩定和統一。
<Therapeutic> yoga classes are an inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the body, mind, and spirit. <理療瑜伽> 課堂是溫和的練習配合呼吸法、靜心和唱頌等的整體方法,同時用於調理身、心、靈。
Yoga Therapy includes gentle sequences to help improve the body's movement patterns. Through different yogic techniques, including asanas, pranayamas, chanting and meditation, it aims at relieving body-mind stress and promoting overall balance. By reducing the chronic pain, we try to activate one's self -healing mechanism and achieving better health.
Mindfulness Yin Yang incorporates two style of yoga into one practice - engaging muscles to further deep and safe stretching while releasing stress and tension both in the mind and the body. The class will help practitioners achieve better flexibility, strength and energy balance. By inviting practioners to synchronise movement with breath and explore postures with awareness, it's also a practice of improving concentration and cultivating mindfulness.
This class is rooted in the Himalayan yogic tradition of wellness. It incorporates gentle yoga postures with breathing exercises to balance the body and mind. The class will finish with a sound bath meditation to calm the mind.
課堂以傳統喜馬拉雅瑜伽的瑜伽哲學為基礎。 它將溫和的瑜伽姿勢與呼吸練習相結合,以平衡身心,並以聲音浴靜心冥想作結,以使心靈平靜。
Yin/Candlelight Yin is a relaxing, calming and grounding practice. Immersed in the soft, warm and open space, pactitioners will be offered chances to turn inward and explore deep physical and mental sensations of the body. Since the practice involves variations of stretching poses holding for a longer period time, it targets the deeper layers of connective tissues and helps to increase flexibility. It also activates the body's parasympathetic nervous system enhancing self-heal.
Yin with Singing Bowl is a mixture of yin yoga poses and Singing Bowl relaxation. While Yin Yoga practice helps one to relax the physical body, Singing Bowl sound bath helps to calm the busy mind. It is a perfect way to achieve a mind-body relaxation.
This class combines myofascial release method (MFR) with Yin Yoga. With the aid of fasical relaxation balls and other yoga props, the class targets on the fasica knots in the body and release the deep tensions of the muscle. It is a deeply opening, yet gentle and meditative practice.
Specially geared towards the safety of pregnant mothers, this is a special class that will adapt to their different stages of pregnancy. Yoga poses along with breathing and meditation techniques will help to relieve physical discomforts and mental stress during pregnancy, while increasing stamina and strength to better prepare expectant mothers for birth and labor.
This class applies different yogic therapeutic techniques to help relax the stress and tensions around the neck and the back. It also helps to correct the misalignments of the neck and the back arising from bad postures and habits.
This class focuses on hip and back areas. Special attention to alignments are combined with specific asanas to loosen tight hips and alleviate back pain. It helps to improve tthe range of motion and circulation of the body.
Aerial yoga is a hybrid type of yoga with the use of a hammock whereas; yoga wall rope is a practice utilizing ropes on the wall. 空中瑜伽是一種使用吊床的混合瑜伽; 瑜伽牆繩是一種在牆上使用繩子的練習。
Aerial yoga is a combination of yoga, dance, pilates and aerial acrobatics, all done using a hammock attached to the ceiling. Practicing aerial yoga helps decompressing the spine. It can also improved flexibility, stability and balance of the body.
空中瑜伽結合了瑜伽、舞蹈和普拉提,利用空中的吊床作練習。 練習空中瑜伽有助減輕脊椎壓力。 同時提高身體的柔韌性、穩定性和平衡性。
Yoga wall rope uses the wall and the rope as helpers for resistance and support. The class helps a practitioner to stay in a pose longer and observe each movement in greater detail. Practicing yoga with wall rope can gradually help the body to achieve strength, flexibility, and balance.
壁繩瑜伽使用牆壁和繩索作為阻力及支撐。 課堂讓練習者更長時間地保持式子,並深入觀察每個動作。 壁繩瑜伽可以逐漸幫助身體建立力量、柔韌性和平衡感。
Special non-categorized classes. 特殊瑜伽課是一種非分類的課程,在大多數瑜伽工作室中並不常見。
Animal flow is ground based movement system that incorporates animal-like movements that flow into one another. This system is designed to improve strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination of the body.
動物流以四肢作基礎 , 模仿動物處於靜態時的模式 , 從而鍛煉核心力量 , 增強肌耐力 。
Inside flow is a combination of yoga with music and dance.
Through inside flow, you flow dynamically with your body, breathe and mind. You go inside and learn the every graceful part of your body. Come to let your body sing a song together!
內觀流為瑜伽、音樂和舞蹈三者的結合。課堂讓身體、呼吸和思想動態地流動,令練習者觀察身體的每一個優美的部分。 快來讓你的身體一起唱首歌吧!
This class combines a yoga wheel with traditional yoga poses to build strength and flexibility of the body. Through dynamic and static ranges of motion exercises, yoga wheel can effectively target the 'blind spots' of the body and stretch deep fasica tissues. Yoga wheel is also good for chest opening, which helps to boost immunity as well as to correct the body alignment.
課堂將瑜伽輪與傳統瑜伽式子結合,以增強身體的肌力及柔韌性。 通過動態和靜態練習,瑜伽輪能有效針對身體的盲點,並拉伸深層筋膜組織。 瑜伽輪亦有助於打開胸椎,以提高免疫力及糾正不良姿勢。
Yogalates is a flow based practice that combines the balancing practices of yoga with the strength and core control exercises of pilates. It is an effective practice that helps to wake up deep core muscles, improve core stability, while enhancing mind-body awareness, stamina, flexibility and balance both mentally and physically.
Please speak to our consultant for recommendations suitable for your needs
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